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Exhall Cedar's Infant School

Exhall Cedars Infant, Nursery & Preschool

Learning and Growing Together

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Exhall Cedar's Infant School

Exhall Cedars Infant Nursery & Preschool

Learning and Growing Together



Please send your child into school WEARING their PE kit on their PE days (see below).

This is not a non-uniform day - please ensure that your child wears the appropriate clothing for PE as listed below: 

  • Plain black / grey joggers, or shorts (depending on the weather)
  • Plain white T-Shirt and a plain fleece or hoodie. (NO pictures or logos pls)
  • Either trainers or pumps; please make sure that they fit! 
  • Remove or cover earrings and jewellery

If you are struggling to afford the correct PE kit, please speak to the office who may be able to help. 


Children who do NOT come to school wearing the appropriate PE kit will have to borrow kit that we have available in school,

This obviously isn't as nice for your child as wearing their own clothes! 


If you have any kit, in good condition, that you no longer need, we would be happy to accept donations to our Spare PE Kit Box!


PE Days from Tuesday 7th January 2025




RECEPTION Miss Evans Daffodil and Rose Class : WEDNESDAY 


YEAR 1 Miss Mooney Buttercup Class : TUESDAY

YEAR 1 Mrs Smith Sunflower Class :  THURSDAY


YEAR 2 Mrs Kapadia Foxglove Class :  WEDNESDAY

YEAR 2 Mrs Episcopo Daisy Class :  MONDAY