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Exhall Cedar's Infant School

Exhall Cedars Infant, Nursery & Preschool

Learning and Growing Together

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Exhall Cedar's Infant School

Exhall Cedars Infant Nursery & Preschool

Learning and Growing Together


Parent Views / Comments

Ofsted Parent View


Please click on the jigsaw piece to see the views of parents at Exhall Cedars. If you are a parent / carer of a child at Exhall Cedars, please feel free to add your views.



Please see below to read the views of parents that we have collected from events within school:



Your Child's Well-Being Workshop - October 2024


It was lovely to see so many parents and carers in school on Thursday 10th October.  Mrs Episcopo held a presentation in the hall, then parents and carers went up to the classrooms to work on some activities together with the children.


Please see below for some comments from the adults that attended.

PSHE Workshop February 2024


We held a Personal, Social & Health Education Workshop in school on Thursday 8th February.


The morning started with a presentation in the Hall with Mrs Episcopo, our PSHE Lead, followed by a session with the children in their classrooms.

OPAL Parent Playday - January 2024


Click here for the Photo Gallery for OPAL playday


I liked to see how my children play around the school, with sand and with their friends. Children develop their thinking, imagination and communication when they go out to play.


I loved coming along to join in the fun with my child. Such a good thing that you are doing for the children, there were lots of smiles and giggles all round. 


Sharing the experience of OPAL with my son was really fun. I am so excited for the OPAL program as I know that my son is enjoying it so much and he is learning at the same time. 



Maths Workshop December 2023


We held a Maths Workshop on Friday 8th December.


The workshop focused on Problem Solving in the Curriculum and the importance of this.


The morning started with a presentation in the Hall with Mrs Kapadia, our Maths Lead, followed by a session with the children in their classrooms seeing how they solve mathematical problems.

Click below for the slides from the presentation:

Phonics Workshop - October 2023


The afternoon started with an information meeting in the Hall with Mrs Smith. This was a whistle stop tour on the importance of Phonics in the Reading process and how we use Read, Write Inc in school. It focused on Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 development.


Afterwards we moved into the classrooms for some Phonic games/ activities alongside your child.

Maths Workshop - April 2023


We have started a new Mastering Number Programme, which is proving to be essential with your child’s Maths learning.


This programme is delivered 4 times a week for 10 to 15 minutes. It supports developing children’s number sense, number bonds and reasoning skills using specific questions, subitising and concrete resources.


Parents found out about the programme and worked with their children in class to see how it works in action and were given all the games and resources that are needed to support children at home.


Easter Craft Workshop - March 2023


On Friday 31st March we held workshops in the classroom.   It was lovely to see so many parents get involved in Easter art and crafts!

Internet Safety Workshop - 10th February 2023


Mrs Episcopo delivered an information meeting for parents, about the increasing risks to young people online. 
Parents then went into their child’s classrooms to work alongside their children to learn how their children keep themselves safe when using the internet. 


Pictures are available on our website gallery and Facebook page.

Maths Workshop - 25th November 2022.


Thank you to everyone who attended the Maths Meeting and Workshop last Friday. We were very pleased to see lots of parents finding out about the way Maths is taught and having the opportunity to learn in class with their children.  Thank you to Mrs Kapadia.


Pictures are available on our website and Facebook page

Well-Being Workshop - 4th November 2022


On Friday 4th November 2022, we welcomed parents and carers into school for a morning presentation and workshop on Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE).

Mrs Episcopo held a short presentation about how and why we teach our children about supporting their own Well-Being, including how we teach them self-regulation strategies which they can then use when they feel unsettled or ‘out of control. They learn why it is important to look after their own mental health.

Following the short presentation, parents joined their children in their classroom to work with them and made a well-being resource to take home.

Literacy Workshop - September 2022


We held our first Parental Learning Workshop today since before Covid- it was GREAT seeing so many parents in school again!  Mrs Smith covered a wide range of early literacy skills including; the importance of handwriting, writing on lines, using pure phonic sounds and decoding.

Parents' Questionnaire - March 2022


The results of our 2022 Parental Questionnaire have been collated and analysed.


The results were a great reflection of all the hard work and dedication from every single member of staff.

Thank you, if you took the time to complete your Questionnaire, in total 40 were returned.

A £10 supermarket voucher from the random prize draw has been awarded to a parent of one of our Reception children.